Gabe A. Cohn
Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Projects // Gabe Cohn

My research focuses on (1) designing and implementing ultra-low-power embedded sensing systems, (2) leveraging physical phenomena to enable new sensing modalities for human-computer interaction, and (3) developing sensor systems targeted at realizing immediate change in high-impact application domains. As technology continues to advance, the traditional line between hardware and software will continue to blur, and highly integrated hardware/software systems will be required. My work focuses on building these integrated sensing systems using my expertise in embedded systems, low-energy hardware design, sensing, communications, signal processing, and machine learning.

This broad, application-driven research agenda is intrinsically interdisciplinary, and I collaborate not only with experts in electrical engineering and computer science, but also broadly across mechanical and biomedical engineering, medicine, and industry. Through these close collaborations I am able to build novel hardware/software systems that incorporate cutting edge research across electrical engineering and computer science.

Publications // Gabe Cohn

Talks // Gabe Cohn

Teaching // Gabe Cohn

Featured Press // Gabe Cohn